
Attitudes Gloss | A makeup tutorial by Lisa Eldridge for CHANEL

       I am a proven lip gloss lady. I love the soft and subtle look of water for several reasons. First I play my eyes and draw attention there prefer, I always choose a subtle lip to not distract my focus. Secondly, I'm a mess when it comes to wearing lipstick and red lips in bold. Inevitably, it will end on my cheek, and I'm not ready to look like a clown too many chances. In other words, I think to myself what works.

Go to my favorite lip gloss LipFusion are in Sweet and meet one drugstore brand Sally Hansen Lip Inflation in Sheer Mocha. Both glosses have either a fruity or mint feel this kind of tingles a little, which I like. I recently tried Chanel glosses and I'm still getting used to the thickness of them, but I love the color and consistency.

And as you know, I'm obsessed with beauty Chanel to last lesson Lisa Eldridge found in lip gloss, was a bonus. In this video tutorial, it creates two separate makeup seeks the help of two contrasting shades of lip gloss ... look with a soft look and shimmering day for a dramatic evening to supplement their eyes.


