
Lubbock car designers, retail stores offer good deals, money in a bad economy

Fashion designer - the variety used - arrived in Lubbock. And it's a success - at least if you talk to the owners of three stores with high-end specialty items, including Gucci, Michael Kors, Louis Vuitton and Chanel, among others, whose creations parade up and down slopes fashion shows in New York and Paris. The arrival of these shops with haute couture using different ways, but the goal is the same - to provide the young generation with high fashion at a reasonable price. Clothing culture Twenty-nine Borger native Shawn Anglin looked to open shortly, a Buffalo Exchange, a chain of clothing stores and vintage cars, with locations in 16 states, but finally decided to do something of his. His dream is to be paid for drinking in a cafe and sit talking with strangers is reached. Shawn and his wife, Lissa Anglin, 27, opened clothing culture, 1717 Broadway, at 1 Of March. In the eclectic downtown, you will find 1970 rock band T-shirts, platform shoes design, vintage parasols and high-end handbags. At first the couple thought would be the sisterhood majority of their customers, but they soon realized college kids have no money. Instead, those who sell clothing culture students. Customers who buy expensive items for the most part are young professional women, ages 28 to 40, said Shawn. "We should not be surprised. It is clear we are," said Lissa. "Our target market is us, I think. We are both young professionals with families who want to be a bargain, but we want to look cool." People come to clothing culture to find unique items, said Lissa. A red tank top will not sell quickly, because it is so easy is to find in a chain. Owners must be careful to buy selectively, because they financed the store right out of their pockets and went into debt. The store sells clothing for men, too, but the owners want to see an increase in male clients. The male is the target 25 - to 35-hippie-type who is not afraid to try something else. "I really want to be a business, start reaching our culture, I mean, someone who is late 20s," Shawn said, dressed in an Armani Exchange with V-neck T-shirt corduroy shorts. "... I was like, 'I want to start a clothing business that want people who are getting a lot can go get things, but do not be afraid to wear something else, and the boundaries. J' I saw a niche somewhere between the shopping center and goodwill. It needs to be a common basis. " Culture specializes in designer and vintage, but it has a wide selection of brands. High-end designers including Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Chanel, Christian Louboutin and Betsey Johnson, but the store also carries brands such as Target and sometimes Urban Outfitters and Forever 21 marks, if the styles are the trend. A buyer in Nashville based shops selling goods for vintage pieces and become H & M, J.Crew, and anthropology to make Lubbock a variety of brands. Culture Costume owners call "recycled fashion." The shop is working on the re-sale, and customers at least 50 percent on regularly priced store messages. The business pays the seller in cash, 25 percent of them will mark it, or give them 35 percent credit. "The reason we want to give more credit shops, that we just kind of people used to come in and trade up," said Lissa. "We want this culture, we create a place where people want to be -. We have customers come twice a week just to see what new things we have, because it changes daily, so that c 'is quite funny. Especially with credit, it goes on the profile of a store, so they do not leak. " Fashion Exchange Gina McDonald lived in Idaho when she was introduced to open the way to a location on the track Fashion Exchange, a resale clothing store that buys and sells clothing for teenagers and young adults, and accessories. It was simply a matter of location, and Lubbock was the perfect solution, she says, because of its demographic. Fashion Exchange, 5102 60th St. Suite C, Idaho Falls, Idaho-based, opened its Lubbock in May. The owners welcomed the store McDonald 15 - to 25 years and agrees with brands such as American Eagle Outfitters, Abercrombie and Fitch, Hollister and more upscale designer labels. "This kind of memory is popular in any type of economics, but yes, certainly has depreciated in our present state of the economic value of the land," she said. "In Texas, as a majority, it is not as bad as other states. This really is not. No matter where you are, people will want to get the most for their money. The great thing about this type of transaction, with the money saved or can save them and not buy again, they can use this money elsewhere and spread. you may have money to go eat and still look good because they have their place here. " Fashion Exchange offers sellers 30 percent of the price they will sell for cash, or 50 percent credit. McDonald said that some people may be disturbed by the offer if they are attached to the item, but others just want to get rid of him. She was a salesman in the past, she said, she knows what it means to say ".? But this is a grant of $ 80 you will give me what" "Sometimes it's a double-edged sword," she said. Want to "understand, if you bring your clothes, sometimes you have that our prices are so low. To shop here, you will want to receive these offers. Sometimes, the retail value you have not bought anywhere in the vicinity, what you pay for. it something that just kind of understand it, is to be ready to go with. Whenever we make an offer, you are never forced to sell it. you can always return this item. It is always worthwhile to find out what would be the offer. " The stock market Sisters Alyssa Villanueva, 25, and Kristan Miranda, 28, grew up in Plainview and has worked in retail for years in Lubbock. They had a love for fashion and designer pieces, but they wanted to buy them on sale. After visiting resale shops when traveling to New York, Dallas and Albuquerque, NM, Lubbock, she decided that he opened his own business for the sending of young designer and the Exchange. The Stock Exchange, 5412 Dias Street, Suite 500, opened in August 2010. The sisters thought Lubbock was a need for a designer consignment shop for young people. Buyers and shippers are mostly students, mostly from Texas Tech. "The audience we get here, they love shopping," said Villanueva. College Girls '20 years, such as shopping. As a rule, they wear an outfit once and it stays in the closet for months or even years. Here we give them the opportunity to take the time to put them in, get money and continue their usual purchase. " The store sells only brand of avant-garde fashion shop (such as Lush, free people clothing collective) brand names (such as BCBG Max Azria and by connecting in French) and high-Designer Brands (Prada, Dolce & Gabbana, Michael Kors and Tory Burch). This is not the kind of business where you can come and dig for what song you want to say, the owners. They made a search. You do not mind, but they wanted this memory, a sense of charm. The grids are not crowded, and people know where each piece is. "Since we are sending, we can choose what we want to sort," said Miranda. "We are very upscale. It's not digging really come, and find a piece. You will find a piece. What we have just decided to do a little more was picky, and have a character style, so we do not have a plethora of parts, but the pieces do we have, trademarks, or trade or brand names. " Exchange offers half-shippers of the consumer price, it will sell for the item. Consignors are paid after the item is sold. The comments are about 60 to 90 days of soil, if they are not high designer brands and designer brands remain high until they can sell. The economy is still banned in popularity, said Miranda. "Everyone sees the inclusion or the dollars to do," she said. "With the program you can have both .... It is perfect to send in this economy right now. With, you can download the latest trends without having to buy it a hole in your pocket. Twenty-one Texas Tech student Mallory McCreight was sent to the Exchange since its opening. She believes she has received over $ 5,000 of its shipment of jeans, sunglasses and shoes. They also bought scarves, jewelry, sunglasses, boots, and a bracelet from the Louis Vuitton store. Rooms on the market Instructor of the development and manufacture of clothing at Texas Tech University, said Rachel Anderson, green fashion, the explosion was in the scene for several years and the purchase of recycled clothing is a big part of this trend. Army and Goodwill Hello've been around for decades, and the idea of ​​upcycling - the buzzword for recycling clothes - have been around for at least 10 years. People are watching their money and are increasingly tired of mass-produced clothing and pay wholesale prices for designer items, she said. "I think looking, some consumers are a little disappointed by the budget level of used clothing and for more fun design objects at a lower price in the shop settings," said Anderson. "These kind of shops are operating in Dallas and Austin and doing it successfully for many years, and in Lubbock, it's time that we have. It is certainly a market (for them) and because he is a college town Students used to this kind of business in the big cities. "If you choose to designer labels, if you have a charming, you will, I believe, are more customers and want. People have no more stigma against buying used clothing, especially if they are in very good condition, or whether they are designer brands. you have a bias towards a lower level economy. A woman is wrong in this store will not increase, such as clothing of culture. " Shawn said each store resale or broadcasting in Lubbock his place in the market of the city. For culture, is from a vintage look. Fedora's fiscal period, jackets, designer shoes and marginal Ray-Ban sunglasses have been a success. "I feel like it is doing to the only place in Lubbock, I do not know may be, but even if we're not, we want to ensure that we are so unique that we know our niche, we know our target market" he said. "My job is to go there and never go to the stock market, the company, or run Exchange Fashion Runway out of business, but at the same time, I think we can all share the same customer, for the different things to look. I'm all about networking with other entrepreneurs and create a good community. There is space on the market in Lubbock for it. " McDonald, the track mode Exchange said, because of its 5000 square meters, the shop has a larger inventory than other local stores have resales. She said it to other employees, such as receptive retail stores in Lubbock was surprised to find leaflets in the mall the announcement led to the opening of the line. Resale shops are not in competition with retail clothing stores and designer brands, McDonald said. "I think we just kind of work in conjunction with each other and help each other grow, really," she said. "We could do without them."

