
Facebook ranks more and more "social value" for luxury brands

Chanel Outlet StoreWith so many new social applications and online platforms and e-commerce networks popping up every day to start veterans platforms like Facebook to look bland and uninteresting in comparison. It turns out that Facebook is always a force to be reckoned with, especially when it comes to what it will do for brands. WWD reports a new study from the Laboratory Luxury NYU, L2, which counts the value of social platforms of all kinds, conducted by Sina Weibo to Facebook Snapchat. "In fact, Facebook is now the world's most innovative media companies, Maureen Mullen, research director L2 and board, told WWD." They demonstrated the ability to provide new products is agile The market is huge. Flack Although they have received from the IPO, there are many reasons to believe that it is not going away anytime soon. " An important reason Facebook is mobile they kill. The rise of mobile advertising revenues are what helped the company post a profit of $ 333 million, offsetting losses in the previous year to $ 157 million. Mobile ads accounted for 41 percent of the company $ 1.6 billion in sales trailer mainly on the ability of the company to overcharge for mobile ads as they do for the ADS This is very rare online. Another reason is Asia. According to the study, Asia's largest Facebook user base has, and users, there are more than two times more than the operations in North America, Facebook is an ideal meaning resource for brands looking to increase exposure in Asia (the as they are). We were also surprised to learn from the study that the obligation on the vine is still higher than Instagram, even if it has more users, and of course video. For the month of July, the entire interaction was Vine rate (combination of taste and comments) 1.24% compared to 1.06% of Instagram. The lesson of the story is: Just because something is new does not mean that the original is not always relevant.Cheap Chanel Bag

